About Us
Who We Are
Art4Mission was founded by a group of artists who wished to contribute their works to charity. We believe that there are many artists worldwide who share this feeling. Oksana Demchenko and Victoria Berdychevskaya are Ukrainian-Dutch artists and entrepreneurs who have created this non-profit foundation in 2019 with an aim to support charities worldwide.
Art4Mission Foundation is a Dutch Public Benefit Organization (ANBI). We are not required to pay tax on donations, which means we get the full benefit of your contribution. Furthermore, donations to ANBI not only position your organisation as a socially responsible company, but are alo beneficially tax-deductible.
Our Story
Our founders have a long story of helping orphaned children and raising attention to problematic issues. They are known in Ukraine and the Netherlands for their initiatives and projects in favour of children. Working in children entertainment industry, they were the first ones among fellow entrepreneurs to offer free rides and organize special events for orphans. These initiatives have been recognized and praised by local authorities.
Later on Oksana Demchenko has turned to the issue of female circumcision and created a photo exhibition to create public awareness about this problem in 2018 in the Netherlands.
Convinced in their mission to support charities worldwide, Oksana and Victoria have created Art4Mission foundation in 2019.
We believe that the value of art can be transferred to the people in need.
We create value both for artists, businesses, charities and the people in need by collecting artworks as donations and offering them for sale to individuals and businesses.
Organizational Structure
Oksana Demchenko – director (bestuurder)
Victoriya Berdihevskaya – director (bestuurder)
Vera Trishina – Marketing manager
Directors receive no remuneration/salary.
If you would like to make a donation or purchase our artworks, you can do so directly to our bank account or contact us at info@art4mission.com.
Our bank account number: IBAN NL15 INGB 0009395267