Children Missions

Kulenko Maxim, 10 years old
Diagnosis: cerebral palsy (irreversible disorders of the musculoskeletal system) and congenital malformation of the brain
Dream: Tablet or Laptop
Maxim is a wheelchair user.
Very bright and positive child, always smiling. The greatest dream is to run and walk independently, but for this moment he dreams (like all people in wheelchairs) of a large tablet or laptop. Parents do not have the means to make this, all the resources are spent on treatment and rehabilitation.
Dziuba Vladik, 16 years old
Diagnosis: autism
Dream: Mobile Phone
Buzhenko Alexandra, 15 years old
Diagnosis: autism with impaired motility
Dream: Bicycle
The greatest dream is to have a big bike, which she needs to develop motor skills.
Alexandra is lame. She dreams of a bike to restore motility.
Bogdan Amirov, 12 years old.
Diagnosis: cerebral palsy
Dream: Orthopedic mattress
Vysotsky Ilya, 12 years old
Diagnosis: cerebral palsy
Dream: Tablet
Vitaly Lagutko, 11 years old
Diagnosis: hearing impairment
Dream: Step Scooter
The boy wants to have a big scooter with a brake on the steering wheel.
Cheremis Darya, 15 years old.
Diagnosis: hearing impairment
Dream: Hearing device
Antyukhov Maxim, 13 years old
Diagnosis: cerebral palsy
Dream: Portable music player and headphones
He dreams of a portable speaker for listening to music and headphones to it.
Maxim is a very nice, very positive child and very-very shy. Because of his disability, he does not go to school. Teachers come and give him lessons at home.
Kurbanov Ilya, 11 years old
Diagnosis: cerebral palsy and spastic tetraparesis
Dream: Tablet or Laptop
The boy can not move independently, wheelchair user. Very funny and positive child. He loves to draw and to play with cars.
Ilyusha dreams of some kind of gadget for watching movies and cartoons. A laptop.
Shekina Darya, 19 years old.
Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, dysarthria, spastic diplegia, epilepsy, sensorineural hearing loss
Dream: Mobile phone
Recent events
We want to thank everyone who helped us to bring some happiness into the lives of less fortunate children and adults with limited abilities in Ukraine.
Art4Mission Success
"I have a Dream" is a Dream Come TrueArt4Mission has accomplished a lot in 2019. We have made adults and children happy with small and big presents on different occasions. We have created a holiday mood for dozens of people with limited abilities in Ukraine.In return...
I have a Dream 2019 Project
In spring 2019 we have selected 10 children with limited abilities and financial difficulties in Ukraine. We promised to make their dream come true by the end of the year.This was the first big project of Art4Misson. In 2019, the first year of our existence,...
Co-creating Vol.2
The children with limited abilities that we support with our missions have also participated in creating children art for our foundation.In the course of the year all the children that we have selected for our missions have put an effort together with their parents to...
Easter Day
On Orthodox Easter Day 2019 our volunteers have created a nice atmosphere at neuropsycological facility for adults in Buriye UgliOur volunteers have visited a facility for adults with neuropsychological problems in Buriye Ugli. Art 4 Mission had a very successful...
Visit to Bereginya Dushi
Our volunteers have visited children from charity organisation Bereginya DushiOur first mission has been a tremendous success. The children were so happy to get the amazing art supplies. many Thanks to all for the donations especially BCO Oegstgeest BCO De Beste Keus...